Some 30 journalists from Bafoussam and other localities in the West Region of Cameroon were last Wednesday 8th February, 2017 schooled on tobacco control in Cameroon. The journalists who came from the audiovisual, print and online media were lectured on the need to adopt Graphic Health Warning regulations in the country, as well as the need for a tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship ban in the country. They were also drilled on interference tactics by the tobacco industry, the results of the TIA Project and the importance of a smoke free environment.
In the question and answer sessions that followed these presentations, the journalists asked questions ranging from what the coalition is doing to counter the tobacco industry to why we do not stop the production and importation of tobacco products all together. Some participants sought to know the strategies the coalition is taking to get the information to remote areas given that a lot of tobacco consumption takes place in such areas.
After all their questions were answered, the journalists received kits that contained detailed information on all the issues discussed during the media dialogue and information on the GYTS Cameroon 2014, and the components of a good tobacco control law.
The excitement displayed by participants at the Bafoussam Media Dialogue proves their interest in the tobacco control and their willingness to accompany the fight.