Smoking in Cameroon
Les experts de santé ne le diront jamais assez, le tabagisme est la plus importante cause de décès dans le monde. Soit 6 millions de décès par an. Au Cameroun, selon les résultats de l’enquête mondiale sur le tabagisme chez les adultes menées en 2013 par l’Institut national des statistiques en collaboration avec l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, résultats rendus publics public au mois de janvier, près de 1,1 million d’adultes, soit 8,9% de la population, utilisent des produits du tabac et 6 720 000 personnes sont exposées à la fumée secondaire du tabac dans tous les lieux publics.
(Français) ENQUETE: La cigarette fait ses classes à Yaoundé
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A strong law to fight against smoking Every year, tobacco kills more than malaria, tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS combined. If in the opinion of other diseases appear to be at the forefront in terms of deaths, tobacco decimated by more silence lives. At the end of the century, one billion people will[...]
TOBACCO : How does one become addicted to nicotine?
Researchers know little of tobacco dependence. One thing is certain: nicotine is involved in this mechanism. This molecule has a biological feature that allows it to bind to proteins on the surface of nerve cells, the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. In the presence of nicotine, these receptors[...]
TOBACCO : Physical dependence
It is mainly due to the presence of nicotine in tobacco. The effect of nicotine absorbed at each puff is felt very quickly. It brings a feeling of pleasure and well-being, combined with the proliferation of gesture (10-20 times per cigarette), explains the installation of the nicotine addiction. The[...]
TOBACCO : Psychological dependence
Psychological dependence varies among individuals and lasts longer than physical dependence because it is more complex. Related to nicotine, psychological dependence is associated with emotions; stress to anger, through concentration. Cigarette smoking is a true companion since nicotine releases[...]
TOBACCO : Behavioral addiction
This kind of dependence is linked to social and convivial pressure. Indeed, some places and some people make you want to smoke a cigarette and lit by automation and not by need, since this dependence is linked to the circumstances, people or places. Drink coffee, phone, take a break: few activities[...]
TOBACCO : What are the risks of passive smoking?
Beyond the inconvenience, passive smoking worsens existing conditions and creates new ones. Although risks remain less important than the active smoker but the health consequences are real. These risks increase with the duration and intensity of exposure. In Cameroon, it is estimated that several[...]
TOBACCO : Tobacco and Poverty: a Vicious Circle
Tobacco and poverty are inextricably linked. Many studies have shown that in the poorest households in many low-income countries, spending on tobacco products often represent more than 10% of total household expenditure. As a result, these families have less expendable income for necessities such as[...]
TOBACCO : The harmful effects of smoking on reproduction
The consequences of smoking on health are well established. However, reproductive effects are studied for a few years. In women, smoking is associated with a decrease in the fertility of 15-40% depending on the study. The negative correlation between smoking and spontaneous fertility is confirmed,[...]
TOBACCO : Il vous tue à petit feu
Le tabac est le seul produit légal de consommation , dont l'usage normal tue. Non seulement le tabac tue, mais il entrave fortement l'état de santé général et la qualité de vie du fumeur et son entourage . Le tabac est responsable de nombreuses maladies graves et incurables. Il aggrave des[...]
TOBACCO : Cigarette: the health consequences
In Cameroon, nearly 1.1 million people are users of tobacco. 6.72 million people are exposed to secondhand tobacco smoke. Situation is not without consequences for the well being of populations. Smoking, whether active or passive susceptible to risks of serious diseases. The main effects are, in[...]
TOBACCO : Each cigarette smoked shortens life by 11 minutes
According to a study published by the British Medical Journal, each cigarette smoked reduces life of eleven minutes. Researchers at Bristol University have achieved this by taking into account in their calculations on the one hand the differences in life expectancy of male smokers and non-smokers,[...]
TOBACCO : Tobacco and breathing
The smoker breathe air laden with toxic substances that attack the cells lining the walls of the respiratory organs: nose, mouth, throat, trachea, bronchi and lungs. tar inhaled through cigarette smoke are deposited in the bronchi and lungs of smokers, causing significant reduction of breath .[...]
TOBACCO : The tobacco industry: illegal advertisement to recruit new smokers.
Between flashy packs, cigarette girls, advertisement posters and communication gadgets, the tobacco industry is running an offensive to recruit new consumers. Decisively, the tobacco industry is not missing out an opportunity to render Cameroon smoky and deathly. Indeed, new advertisement campaigns[...]
TOBACCO : (Français) Le Cameroun face au lobby de l'industrie du tabac
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TOBACCO : (Français) Yaoundé : l'industrie du tabac lance une nouvelle cigarette dans le marché
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TOBACCO : Cameroon : An eldorado for the tobacco industry
The tobacco industry at the moment is initiating an offensive in order to increase its profits and render the Cameroonian population more dependent on tobacco. In effect, we notice almost every week the appearance of a new cigarette brand. This action of the industry is supported by an aggressive[...]