C3T Sensitizes Students of Collège Jean TABI Yaoundé on Tobacco Control

16 January 2017

It's about 11 am on Saturday 14th January, 2017 and students of Collège Jean TABI in Yaoundé are excited to be in school. It's a day set aside for open door activities and the children are lucky to have several stands showcasing different activities that are useful in life.

Amongst those who have been given the opportunity to talk with the students is the C3T team. In front of one of the institution's classrooms, the coalition installs posters showing graphic health warnings of the dangers of tobacco consumption. Inside the classroom, students fill the benches ready to receive lectures and clear their doubts on tobacco consumption and control.

More than 60 of these students fill up the class and the C3T team shares with them the components of a cigarette. The team goes further to talk about the dangers of consuming the product. The children are hinted on the various diseases they can catch as a result of smoking, as well as the need for them to serve as ambassadors to spread the news.

Excited by the lectures, students ask intriguing questions ranging from why we still find healthy smokers, to why tobacco products  are not banned all together, to the advantages (if any) of cigarettes. Their questions are fully answered by the C3T team, and then they are taken on a guided tour of 15 C3T Graphic Health Warning posters where the team explains each graphic image displayed.

As they leave, another set of students are in the class room ready to be sensitized. They receive lectures, ask questions and then go on a guided tour of the images. Three of such classes are held each lasting about 45 minutes.

Hundreds of other students do not attend the lectures but pay attention to the posters installed outside the lecture hall. From their reactions, you can easily tell that they got the message the images are trying to portray.

Students who attended the lectures received information kits from C3T. It is clear that they left the lecture hall happy and ready to share what they learned with their friends and loved ones.

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