Cameroon : An eldorado for the tobacco industry

28 October 2015

The tobacco industry at the moment is initiating an offensive in order to increase its profits and render the Cameroonian population more dependent on tobacco. In effect, we notice almost every week the appearance of a new cigarette brand. This action of the industry is supported by an aggressive marketing at the four angles of the country.

In Yaounde for example, “cigarettes girls” are paid to parade night clubs, snacks and public places. This is to excite youths to smoke cigarettes with really strange names. Recently, the innovation has been free testing. Actually, to implement newly imported brands, the strategies consist of: Proximity trade deposits, shops, stalls and other cartridges cigarettes of brand X. These cigarettes are offered for free to any person who wants to get cigs or smoke. Smoking is free here. The only restriction to this tasting is the deposit of packs at the sales point, who will latter transfer it to the tobacco company for payment”.

Observing keenly this new strategy reveals that each cartridge has 3 series of free testing's before starting the sales of a new product. According to

tobacco control associations in Cameroon, this method is aimed at rendering the target dependent on the product before its sales.

This situation contributes to the rising phenomenon of tobacco use and its social, economic, health and other consequences. The civil society is thus, calling for the adoption of a tobacco control law in Cameroon for which the objective is to protect present and future generations from the harmful effects of tobacco.

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